

Yeah, so I’m slow

So, I apo­lo­gize for being slow (see my last post), but Chro­nus is re-opening rec­ruit­ment now! Here is the latest rec­rui­ting data. Of course, to apply, just hit the “Apply for Chro­nus” link at the top of this page.

Chro­nus is a later-evening rai­ding guild on Alle­ria. We raid from appro­xi­ma­tely 9:30 pm to 1:00 am Mon­day through Thurs­day (cen­tral US time, and Alle­ria ser­ver time), as of pre-BC. In BC, so far, we have just ope­ned into Karazhan with a very strong first eve­ning. We are see­king to add a few more mem­bers of select clas­ses to our rai­ding mix as we head toward a second Karazhan raid, as well as 25 man rai­ding beyond Karazhan.

The follo­wing are our rec­ruit­ment needs as of this date (2/28/2007):

  • Druids- Clo­sed currently due to eva­lua­ting pre­vious applications
  • Mages- Clo­sed
  • Pala­dins– Clo­sed
  • Priests– Open, accep­ting ~2+ appli­cants depen­ding on playtime
  • Warriors- Clo­sed
  • Rogues– Closed
  • Sha­man– Open. No Level requi­re­ment ini­tially, as long as you are leve­ling at a steady pace, you can do so in guild.
  • Hun­ters– Clo­sed
  • War­locks– Clo­sed

So as of pre­sent, we are acti­vely see­king only Priests and Sha­mans. We wel­come appli­cants of ANY class at any time, but due to limi­ted raid avai­la­bi­lity, we will not give rai­ding mem­bership to mem­bers of clas­ses currently tag­ged as clo­sed. Good luck on your application!

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