

Recruitment Open!

Chro­nus is reo­pe­ning rec­ruit­ment, ESPECIALLY FOR SHAMANS! Hit the “Apply for Chro­nus” link at the top of the page if you meet the follo­wing criteria!

  • Able to raid bet­ween 9:30 pm and 1:30 am Cen­tral time (ser­ver time is Central)
  • Also able to raid at least three out of four days from Mon­day through Thursday
  • Willing to ins­tall requi­red mods like Ven­trilo and CTRA or ORA2
  • Willing to lis­ten to a raid lea­der and par­ti­ci­pate in a rotation-based system

We have clea­red almost all of Karazhan as a guild, and are likely to finish Gruul’s Lair very soon as we took very little time to kill Maul­gar. We run two Karazhan raids weekly, heroics in guild at ran­dom inter­vals throughout the day, and Gruul’s Lair every Thurs­day right now. We will be moving on to more 25 man con­tent in the for­seea­ble future!

If you’re inte­res­ted, hit the link up top labe­led “Apply for Chro­nus.” We will con­si­der any appli­cant, but sadly, we can­not always accept appli­ca­tions from par­ti­cu­lar clas­ses due to being full on them. The follo­wing is our most recent list of ope­nings in Chronus:

  • Druids: Clo­sed
  • Hun­ters: Accep­ting Appli­ca­tions, nee­ding pos­sibly one
  • Mages: Clo­sed
  • Pala­dins: Closed
  • Priests: Accep­ting appli­ca­tions, need pos­sibly one (holy spec)
  • Rogues: Clo­sed
  • Sha­mans: Open, accep­ting appli­ca­tions from res­to­ra­tion OR dps specs.
  • War­locks: Closed
  • Warriors: Clo­sed

Good luck with your application!

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