

Recruitment for both groups open!

We are taking appli­ca­tions for both raid squads. Appli­cants must be aware of the fact that we raid 9:30 pm to 1:30 am Cen­tral US time, Mon­day through Thurs­day. Both groups keep this sche­dule. New rec­ruits will be requi­red to attend 75% of all raids or they will be remo­ved. Please regis­ter on the forums if you have any questions.

Team RA (3/6 SSC– Hydross, Lur­ker, Tide­wal­ker and 2/4 TK– Void Rea­ver, Sola­rian) seeks:

HEALERS– 2–3 ope­nings:
–Res­to­ra­tion Druids
–Res­to­ra­tion Shamans

Appli­cants will be fully Kara gea­red at this point and pre­fe­rably nee­ding little-no loot from Mag or Gruul.


Team Sylen­te­xia (4/5 Mount Hyjal, 5/9 Black Tem­ple) seeks:

HEALERS– 2–3 ope­nings:
–Res­to­ra­tion Sha­mans
–Res­to­ra­tion Druids
–Holy Paladins

Appli­cants for this raid must be com­ple­tely gea­red with all drops they want/need from SSC/TK, or via­ble badge repla­ce­ments, and heavy pre­fe­rence will be given to those expe­rien­ced in the begin­ning aspects of T6 content.

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