

Chronus is Recruiting!

Chro­nus is currently rec­rui­ting for the 9:00 pm raid.

If you are inte­res­ted in appl­ying, all appli­cants must be aware that this group raids 9:00 — 12:30 from Mon­day to Thurs­day. All appli­cants are expec­ted to give a detai­led appli­ca­tion explai­ning their play style, expe­rience etc… It is highly sug­ges­ted that you are at least wea­ring 5/10 man Heroic Ins­tance gear as the raid group is acti­vely rai­ding 25 man ins­tan­ces. After you sub­mit your appli­ca­tion, you will be con­tac­ted in game with ques­tions regar­ding your gear, spec, expe­rience and may be given a trial run.

Please see the list below for our current openings:

  • Hea­lers: Res­to­ra­tion Druid, Res­to­ra­tion Shammy
  • Melee DPS: Enhan­ce­ment Sha­man, Rogue, DPS Warrior
  • Cas­ters: All

    To apply, click the Apply to Chro­nus but­ton at the top of the page. After you have applied, feel free to join the forums if you have any questions.

    Update: The 9:30 raid is inte­res­ted in rec­rui­ting a War­lock. And while the Raid is currently not rec­rui­ting for any other slots, they are acti­vely revie­wing each appli­ca­tion submitted.

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