This entry was posted on Wednesday, January 14th, 2009 at 3:36 pm and is filed under Announcements, Boss Kills. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.
WOTLK — Progression Update
It’s been a while since I last updated, so I’m probably going to miss a few things.
Let’s start out with the biggest and most important update regarding Chronus. Our long lasting, sarcastic, lovable, founder and GM of Chronus Marteau, is leaving WoW. He is returning to RL to continue… whatever you do out there in the real world. I, as well as the rest of Chronus, wish him luck in his future endeavors and hope that he comes back to visit us in the future.
Now that we have that out of the way, let’s look at how well we’ve progressed since WOTLK launched. We started raiding back in the beginning of December, quickly dissecting all of the 5 man Heroics and 10 man instances, then quickly moving on to the 25 man instances. In December, we still functioned as one big Raid Group (since a few scrubs like myself were still leveling) to take on the 25 man instances. With our big group we were able to quickly progress through The Vault of Archavon and Naxxramas.
As of Jan 6th, Chronus officially split back up into its two raid groups. Both raid groups are progressing along very nicely, tackling Arch and Naxx on a weekly basis. We progressed further during the first week of split raids when one raid was able to take out Sarth 2D. The next major step for the guild is to defeat 25 man Malygos. And after last Monday’s attempts, it looks very likely that he’ll be downed this week.
Kill Dates:
I hope to start updating much more often, so look forward to more Chronus updates in the days and weeks to come. Let’s keep it up Chronus!
~ Sylent
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