

WOTLK — Progression Update

It’s been a while since I last upda­ted, so I’m pro­bably going to miss a few things.

Let’s start out with the big­gest and most impor­tant update regar­ding Chro­nus. Our long las­ting, sar­cas­tic, lova­ble, foun­der and GM of Chro­nus Mar­teau, is lea­ving WoW. He is retur­ning to RL to con­ti­nue… wha­te­ver you do out there in the real world. I, as well as the rest of Chro­nus, wish him luck in his future endea­vors and hope that he comes back to visit us in the future.

Now that we have that out of the way, let’s look at how well we’ve pro­gres­sed since WOTLK launched. We star­ted rai­ding back in the begin­ning of Decem­ber, quickly dis­sec­ting all of the 5 man Heroics and 10 man ins­tan­ces, then quickly moving on to the 25 man ins­tan­ces. In Decem­ber, we still func­tio­ned as one big Raid Group (since a few scrubs like myself were still leve­ling) to take on the 25 man ins­tan­ces. With our big group we were able to quickly pro­gress through The Vault of Archa­von and Naxxramas.

As of Jan 6th, Chro­nus offi­cially split back up into its two raid groups. Both raid groups are pro­gres­sing along very nicely, tac­kling Arch and Naxx on a weekly basis. We pro­gres­sed further during the first week of split raids when one raid was able to take out Sarth 2D. The next major step for the guild is to defeat 25 man Maly­gos. And after last Monday’s attempts, it looks very likely that he’ll be dow­ned this week.

Kill Dates:

  • Sartha­rion — 12/02/08
  • Sartha­rion 1D — 12/10/08
  • Vault of Archa­von — 12/11/08 (Is this even con­si­de­red a Raid Dungeon?)
  • Naxx­ra­mas — 12/29/08
  • Sartha­rion 2D — 1/8/09

    I hope to start upda­ting much more often, so look for­ward to more Chro­nus upda­tes in the days and weeks to come. Let’s keep it up Chronus!

    ~ Sylent

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