

DAY #3 — Learning

Day #3 saw us having some pretty sta­ble ser­vers where we could get some prime rai­ding in. Next on our plate was Ignis the Fur­nace Master.

    During the day, Bliz­zard pos­ted that they had fixed the bugs where Ignis would ran­domly melee someone before eating him. After about 10 attempts on the guy, we rea­li­zed that they had mes­sed up the hot fix. And while we got some great work done, lear­ning the fight from both a hea­lers and tank pers­pec­tive, it just wasn’t going to happen.

    Razors­cale being right across the hall was the next logi­cal choice for pro­gres­sion, so we took a quick trip over there. We found that lear­ning that, while Ignis was a Hea­ler fight… Razor was a DPS fight. We lear­ned the stra­te­gies quite quickly and put him to <5% a few times before calling it a night.

    ~ Sylent

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