

Day #4 — Razorscale, XT-002 Deconstructor, and Ignis the Furnace Master

Day #3 had seen us taking on two dif­fe­rent bos­ses with no kills. Day #4 saw us with dow­ning Razors­cale, XT-002 Decons­truc­tor, and Ignis the Fur­nace Mas­ter! Go Chronus!

Pretty pum­ped with our pro­gress against Razors­cale on Day #3, we imme­dia­tely went to work. After a few quick mis­ta­kes made, we ended up dow­ning the guy and even get­ting the Achie­ve­ment Heroic: A Quick Shave.[Kill shot inc]

Next up was XT-002 Decons­truc­tor, the exer­ci­sing machine with likes to play with toys. This fight is very much a “Who’s paying atten­tion” fight. DPS, Tan­king and Heals are all very impor­tant in this fight… but all are use­less if someone blows up the raid by not paying atten­tion. We wor­ked on this guy for about an hour and a half before finally dow­ning him (and lol at Sylent and Shìva being the only ones left alive to kill him). And again, we got another achie­ve­ment Heroic: Nerf Gra­vity Bombs.Dead XT-002 R1

Then, last but not least we got over to Ignis. With all the prac­ti­cing we had done on him during Day #3, and the expe­rience some of our rai­ders had from their 10 man adven­tu­res, we were able to get off to a very strong start. And after a very hea­ling inten­sive fight, we finally got him down.Dead Ignis R1

4 Bos­ses down, 3 on day #4. It’s a new week now with pro­mise of us get­ting much further! Chro­nus Yeah Yeah Yeah!

~ Sylent (Kill Shots to be added)

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