

Day #6 — Kologarn

And on the sixth day, he crea­ted killed Kologarn.

With Iron Coun­cil down, Kolo­garn was next up to bat for Chro­nus. Kolo­garn, the glo­ri­fied bridge, would be quite the cha­llenge if he wasn’t only allo­wed to use his hands. His feet would be quite the pro­blem! But since he doesn’t have his feet to fight with, Chro­nus was able to take him out after a bit of trial and error along the way.
Dead Kologarn (R1)

Next up was Auriaya. One of the more anno­ying pulls that Bliz­zard has ever craf­ted, we have to use every Damage Miti­ga­ting skill we have in order to just start the pull. We gave her a few shots last night, get­ting her pretty close to 0%, but deci­ded to call it. Tonight we plan to finish her off.

~ Sylent

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