

Archive for June, 2013

‘Sorry for the hia­tus folks, had some ros­ter issues that were trying to resolve. Finally got a few good attempts in on ji-kun this week and sco­red a kill. Thanks to all who put in work on the boss. With that said, Chro­nus is loo­king to fill out a few ros­ter spots for the raid.

  • Holy Paladin/Mist Wea­ver Monk — High Priority
  • Pro­tec­tion Paladin/Blood DeathK­night — Medium Priority
  • War­lock — Low to Medium Priority

If you’re one of the above roles and want to raid in a friendly envi­ron­ment please feel free to fill out and an app(yes we know its a bit out­da­ted and were wor­king on get­ting that resol­ved) and an Offi­cer will get in touch with you. Alter­na­ti­vely you may also con­tact orange-schnoo directly with in game mail. Happy Hunting