Archive for the 'Announcements' Category
10 7th, 2018
As a way to connect with your former guildies, please feel free to use the brand new Chronus Discord Server!
Whether you just want to reconnect with old guildies, make plans for the upcoming Classic Wow, or just make fun of PB’s jeans — I hope you’ll join us on Discord
06 5th, 2013
‘Sorry for the hiatus folks, had some roster issues that were trying to resolve. Finally got a few good attempts in on ji-kun this week and scored a kill. Thanks to all who put in work on the boss. With that said, Chronus is looking to fill out a few roster spots for the raid.
- Holy Paladin/Mist Weaver Monk — High Priority
- Protection Paladin/Blood DeathKnight — Medium Priority
- Warlock — Low to Medium Priority
If you’re one of the above roles and want to raid in a friendly environment please feel free to fill out and an app(yes we know its a bit outdated and were working on getting that resolved) and an Officer will get in touch with you. Alternatively you may also contact orange-schnoo directly with in game mail. Happy Hunting
04 23rd, 2013
04 15th, 2013
Surely if the Thunder Cats are awesome and can never be beaten then a Thunder KING should be nigh unstoppable. Well I’m here to tell you that Lei Shen is a total dick and is not like the Thunder Cats at all! First we have to find the guy, spending hours wandering though his house. If that’s not weird enough, all these random dudes wanted to fight us along the way and I think at one point we may have killed his pet turtle but whatever! So we finally find him and instead of fighting with a wicked awesome binocular sword or making a super lion or megazord or something he just runs around in circles trying to shock us with the static from his booties on the floor. What. The. Hell. I mean I can understand times are tough and maybe you can’t afford a cool sword or a giant transforming robot or bird airplanes, but at least put in some effort man!
04 14th, 2013
I was very lazy busy and haven’t had a chance to upload killshots in a very long time. So… hope you guys like killshots!
Durumu the Forgotten (Normal)
02 7th, 2013
Fear befell the empire this morning, when Blade Lord Ta’yak’s body was discovered dead in his training hall, along with several of his students. Ta’yak was our Empress’s most skilled servant with a blade, despite many nay-sayers claiming Wind Lord Mel’jarak is superior with a blade, and Ta’yak with wind.
Thanks to our celebrity guest author: Maretha!
02 5th, 2013
Congratulations to Telvor Bandwidth Exer Perpetual and Nightmehr for completing the Guild Achievement: Challenge Conquerors Gold: Guild Edition!
01 23rd, 2013
01 17th, 2013
01 16th, 2013
Man, trolls don’t know what it’s gonna be
messin with the guild Yeah 3, Chro-to-the-Nus to-the-Guild
Grats on Heroic Gara’jal tonight!